In this dialog, you can set range and aim of logged information.
You can log on the screen or in a file. File can be recycled in a
preset period of time. Log can be also sent by e-mail.
General - general information logging
Checking column File produces logging of a given type of information to a file.
Checking column Screen produces logging of a given type of information to the screen.
All to screen - Sellects all information to be logged to screen
None to screen - No information will be logged to screen
All to file - Sellects all information to be logged to file
None to file - No information will be logged to file
Types of logged information
System - System information (activation, deactivation...)
Error - system errors (file open failure...)
Security - Security information (unsuccessful login...)
Connections - Information about connections
upload - Information about uploads
Download - Information about downloads
Debug - Debug information logging
Checking column File produces logging of a given type of information to a file.
Checking column Screen produces logging of a given type of information to the screen.
All to screen - Sellects all information to be logged to screen
None to screen - No information will be logged to screen
All to file - Sellects all information to be logged to file
None to file - No information will be logged to file
Types of logged information
Ftp requests - FTP client commands
Ftp replies - FTP server replies
Network - Network information
Configuration - Configuration changes
Visual - User interface changes
Advanced - Information for program developers, may cause creation of huge megabytes long logs. Do not use.
File logging - Logging to a file
Log to file - activates file (HTML) log and writes information marked for file logging.
Log to custom path - If you activate this option, logs are created in directory defined in the field Log Directory. If option is inactive, logs are created in the same directory where program executable is located.
Log filename mask - This field defines mask for log file names. This option is usable mainly for automatical log rycycling. In the filename, following substitutes can be used:
- %Y - will be replaced by year of creation
- %M - will be replaced by month of creation
- %D - will be replaced by day of creation
- %W - will be replaced by week of creation
For example, with mask "log-%Y-%M-%D.htm" will be on Dec 20, 2001 created log file named "log-2001-12-30.htm".
Logfile refresh interval - Defines how often is current log closed and new with name according to the mask is created:
- Never
- Daily - every day
- Weekly - every week
- Monthly - every month
- Yearly - every year
Send as e-mail - File log is opened as an attachment of a new mail in the mail application of the Hnet Info system. Address must be entered there. For log to be sent, a copy is created in the MailedLogs folder.
Clear log - Actual file log is cleared.
Screen logging
Log to screen - Activates screen log, to which all information checked to be logged to screen will be logged.